So I googled French Fries again in the news, since I forgot about this blog, and have been incredibly icky feeling/busy, and found an article (here) about a woman observing the use of ketchup in fast food restaurants.
People often will grab so many ketchup packets (more than they'll use) and just throw the rest away.
That really is a waste of food if you think about it. I know at my house, we have a drawer in the fridge filled with packets from McDonald's, Burger King and Taco Bell, and we use them when we run out of the bottle stuff, but there are many people who just discard the unused food. French Fries are one of the main things you use ketchup for, besides other things like burgers or hot dogs.
Sometimes (kind of related) when I go to Dunkin' Donuts, I want a single ketchup packet for my bagel sandwich. I tell this to the teller, and I usually get two. And then I just wonder what I'm going to do with the other one. So I let it sit in this little change-dish type thing in my car until I get another sandwich, this time, not asking for the packet.
But yeah. We waste ketchup a lot. Does anyone else try to conserve?
But in reality, what doesn't?
Googling "french fries" in the news section, there were quite a few articles explaining that soaking potatoes before making them into french fries can remove an acrylamide risk, whatever that is. Block quote time:
Acrylamide is a carcinogen that is created when starchy foods are baked, roasted, fried or toasted. In 2002, when scientists at the Swedish Food Administration first reported unexpectedly high levels of acrylamide, found to cause cancer in laboratory rats, in carbohydrate-rich foods. [Food Navigator]Basically what it is saying, is that you should wash your potatoes (with moving water to remove 28% of the acrylawhatever, or soak them for a half-hour to remove 38%[LA Times]) before you french-fry them.
Which I am pretty sure people do normally, since 9 times out of 10 you are supposed to wash your vegetables before you use them anyway.
Okay, so I remember hearing this song a while back, but we're talking about fast food in class, so I thought of it again.
And it is still hilarious.
This song is called the "Fast Food Song" by the Fast Food Rockers. Some weird dance-pop group from Europe. It's catchy and hilarious.
I find it interesting how much these American fast food joints have made their way into other countries (french fries included!), and even inspired this completely random song.
And oh look, there's a version dedicated to Christmas